Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How to Burn Fat Fast - Avoid These Foods to Burn Fat Fast

It may not surprise you but one of the main reasons that most people have been unable to burn body fat is because of the foods they have been eating. However, once you are done reading you will be able to know once and for all - how to burn fat fast, and what foods burn fat.


First thing, you need to have the proper knowledge to know that foods are good for you, and use that knowledge in the best way possible to get your body metabolizing fat. And you can do this all without having to count calories or taking dangerous over-the-counter diet supplements.

With this simple guideline you will begin to burn fat fast as long as you implement the knowledge.

A good first step is to read ingredient labels. Chances are, if there is an ingredient on the list you can't pronounce, you shouldn't eat it.

Processed foods is your big enemy. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Food manufacturers are so good at creating junk food in a box, it isn't even funny. Problem is that a high percentage of these foods are marketed to our children. It's no wonder why our next generation of children are growing up obese. Processed foods have so much garbage in them, that it is almost impossible for our bodies to burn fat. Eliminating these foods completely from your diet will go a long way to helping you burn fat quickly.

I know what you're thinking, 'that's about 95% of the foods at the grocery store.' You would be correct to think this. Here is a list of foods you should avoid.

Foods to Avoid.

As stated, processed foods are your enemy. Even so called 'healthy' foods. You may not realize this, but the orange juice you buy at the store actually keeps you from burning fat. Why? Because it's been processed so much that it doesn't even have 1/10 of its original nutritional value. Don't forget the high levels of sugar that is added during processing.

So called 'healthy' foods like wheat breads, pastas, cereals, granola, processed soy products (tofu, soy milk, soy meats and cheeses), low-fat products, even 'healthy' diet bars. All of these turn to sugar in your body. Eating these will prevent you from burning fat and getting the body you've always wanted.

Avoiding the wrong fats is critical to burning fat. For years we've been told that eating fats is what makes you fat. But this really isn't the case. Eating the wrong fats, make you fat. These include: Hydrogenated oils, canola and vegetable oil, margarine (which is mostly hydrogenated oils), and substitute fake butters and spreads.

So, you are probably asking, 'what foods help burn belly fat?'. And 'how do I use these foods that burn fat to my advantage?'

OK, we know that processed foods at the main problem. So, logic would dictate to do the complete opposite.

Foods That Burn Fat.

Want to add bread to your diet, but worried about carbohydrates and sugars? Well not all carbohydrates are created equal. Breads that are made from sprouted-grains, rice, spelt, and millet, are excellent, and gets your body burning fat quickly. Quinoa, is another grain to add and will super charge your metabolism to burn fat fast.

While sweet potato isn't a grain, it is healthier for you as opposed to white potatoes. Add some butter and cinnamon for a flavorful fat burning food.

Fruits and vegetables are fair game. If you've used a diet plan in the past and it told you to avoid certain fruits or vegetables, you might want to reconsider. These fad diets are not idealistic for sustaining long-term benefits.

Eating the right kinds of fats will burn fat off your body, and increase the metabolic process. Good fats, yes there is such a thing, are important to good heart health. These fats include things like real butter, eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado and raw nuts. All of these unprocessed fats are good for you, and is what you body needs to burn fat quickly.

Finally, eating high good sources of high-quality proteins will help you to maintain muscle density while your body is busy burning unwanted fat. These include: nuts, fish, eggs, chicken, and beef. It's generally best to find organic meats as opposed to animals injected with growth hormones. Fish should be caught as opposed to farm-raised.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Steve_Lamothe/1433213

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The 500 Calorie Diet - Diets For Quick Weight Loss

Engaging in diets for quick weight loss can be very dangerous. But, if you don't mind taking risks with your health, the 500 calorie diet might be right for you. Keep in mind, that even when considering diets for quick weight loss, the 500 calorie diet is a very extreme form of dieting. Even so, it tends to be extremely popular.

Quick Weight Loss

The reason for the popularity, obviously, is that you will lose weight quickly. Low-calorie diets abound among people who are looking for quick weight loss. But even among those low-calorie diets, 500 calories per day is at the low end of the spectrum.

First, for a definition...For a diet to be considered low calorie, the arbitrary cutoff point is 1200 calories per day. Anything below that is considered to be a low-calorie diet. Clearly the whole idea of a low-calorie diet is to lose weight quickly, but again - it can be quite dangerous so it should always be thoroughly planned with a nutritionist or your family doctor.

It's well known that the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. You can do this by burning more, or by eating less. Your body needs a certain number of calories just to exist. If you're not eating enough, the theory is that your energy needs will be taken from the fat calories in your body.

The problem is, our body is very smart. It won't just keep burning the same number of calories and taking the excess from fat. Your body doesn't know that you are on a diet. It will think you're starving. To help keep you alive, it will cut way back on the number of calories that uses. To do this it will slow down your metabolic rate and will start eating away at your muscle mass - to get it's needed calories.

Over a long-term, this is disastrous. Your muscles burn far more calories than your fat, so if you lose them, it not only has a bad effect on your body but it also affects your ability to keep weight off in the future. The 500 calorie diet, as one of the diets for quick weight loss - works... but only for a short term.

The negative effects can vary depending on your body type, height, activity level, overall health and gender. 500 calories per day may be sufficient for some people for a short while.

For the vast majority of us, especially if we are carrying extra weight, eating only 500 calories per day is literally starving our bodies. Most likely, you've been taking in 2000 to 5000 (or more) calories per day and suddenly dropping to 500 will immediately move your body into starvation mode. So, your metabolism slows way down in order to conserve energy.

Our bodies are quite adaptable. In a very short time you will learn to survive on 500 calories per day. (At least until you run out of calories to burn...then you'll go into a coma and die.)

Thankfully, the majority of us discontinue our dieting before that happens. As soon as your diet is over, and you go back to your old eating habits - like we all do - you will have a sudden gain in weight. Actually, you'll gain more weight than you would have, had you not ever gone on a diet to begin with. Diets for quick weight loss just don't work. Plus, since you have lost so much muscle mass, it makes it much harder to maintain your weight in the future.

The most effective method of determining a healthy, livable daily calorie level, is by using a BMR/AMR calculator. It will tell you how many calories are necessary to support your health and your lifestyle. Once you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight, then you can subtract 500 calories per day, and you have one of the ideal diets for quick weight loss success.

Obviously, the mass and body size of women is dramatically different than that of men. That means, they need a different number of calories to survive. While the average man may eat 1500 to 1600 calories per day, the average woman may eat only 1200 to 1300 calories per day. You must consult your physician before starting any diet, safety has to come first.

So, to wrap it up... in the realm of diets for quick weight loss, the 500 calorie per day diet is very popular. It will work to help you lose weight, but it can be very dangerous - And your weight loss is only temporary at best. You should never cut back that dramatically on your calories without the constant monitoring and supervision of a doctor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dan_Beckwith/299497

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Best Exercise For Weight Loss That Works

The best exercise for weight loss is the exercise that you will actually do. Most of us find ourselves in a rut when it comes to dieting and exercise. Why is that? We find different difficult programs to follow that we eventually quit. We often get bored and we don't see results and quit. Always choose programs that you will do. Many exercise programs actually work except are too hard to follow.

Exercise For Weight Loss

The best exercise for weight loss can be as simple as walking. You get your cardio going and it is simple to do. Be creative don't take short cuts in daily activity. For example,when you go to the grocery store, or any where like that,don't choose the closest parking spot. Park farther so you get your daily exercise incorporated in your daily life. Another example, if you golf, walk with your clubs rather than drive the cart. Do you get the idea. Just be creative and you will see results before you know it and it's not hard. This then will not be a routine but rather a way of life.

Best exercise for weight loss can be as simple as 3 ten minute sessions of something you enjoy doing. Never do what you don't enjoy because that is the recipe for failure. Do things that you like and that you will actually do. Another good thing to take habit of is keep track of your success and create small goals for yourself. Creating smaller goals are usually obtained and are more realistic. For example, the first couple of weeks you start, set a goal to loss 5lbs and believe me it is simple and doable. Then after that keep going and set another goal for the next 2 weeks and you will have made a simple program to follow. Keeping it simple and setting small goals will create success in your journey to weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nina_Meszaros/753724

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

7 Homemade Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

These homemade detox drinks for weight loss are a natural way to melt the fat fast. Detoxification removes toxins and helps you reach your weight loss goals in a relatively short period of time. So naturally it's a good idea to detox your body on a regular basis.

Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

It's important to note, if you plan on drinking only detoxification drinks for more than a few days, make sure your current health status allows you to change from your normal diet to a detox diet. Before doing any kind of long-term or drastic detox you should consult with a doctor.

With that said, here are 7 homemade detox drinks to help you lose weight:

  1. Tea: Tea is a natural detox drink that expels toxins from your system. Dandelion tea, green tea, peppermint tea, and ginger tea are especially effective in supporting weight loss. Drink 3-5 cups of tea daily to support your weight loss efforts.
  2. Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice enhances the body's metabolism, which is essential to converting fats into energy instead of excess weight. Along with eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drinking cranberry juice is a very effective way to lose weight. Plus, this detox drink also helps clear nicotine and alcohol from your system in just about four days. Drink at least 32 ounces of 100% natural organic cranberry juice every day.
  3. Cabbage Juice: Cabbage is very effective for detoxifying your liver. And because your liver is responsible for the detoxification of your body, it is an essential part of your detox and weight loss plan. If you have a juicer, juice up some cabbage, carrots and pears for a deliciously refreshing detox drink.
  4. Cabbage Broth: For a satisfying hot drink, simmer a head of cabbage along with carrots, onions and a pinch of salt, then strain and drink. You can also add other vegetables to pack more nutrients into this hot detox drink, which is very effective for detoxifying your liver.
  5. Cucumber and Lemon: This might seem like a surprising combination, but the effects of these two ingredients was tested by professional nutritionists and found to be a very effective detox and weight loss drink. All you have to do is use a blender to mix 1 cucumber sliced into tiny pieces and the juice half a lemon. Drink at least 2 times per day. This detox drink boosts your metabolism, which is essential for losing weight quickly, and you'll notice how it loads you with energy.
  6. Master Cleanse Lemonade: This is probably the most popular detox drink for weight loss in the industry. It was made famous by celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Beyoncé Knowles because it is an extremely effective detox drink for weight loss and for improving your skin complexion. This is a perfect homemade detox drink to lose weight fast. Mix lemon juice, organic maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper into a 10 oz. glass of water. Sip on this drink all day for best results.
  7. Salt Water Cleanse: At the start of your detox, you might want to do a salt water detox to cleanse your digestive system and prepare your body for weight loss. Do this on a day when you have plenty of time to stay home near the bathroom as it will run through your body very quickly. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of natural sea salt into one quart of lukewarm water. Do not use table salt; it will not have the same effect. Stir or shake until the salt is dissolved. Drink and then relax. Most people report a bowel movement within 30 minutes to two hours and several more may follow. Once you have cleansed your system, restore it by eating yogurt to replenish the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, drink juice, and eat fresh, soft-cooked and steamed fruits and vegetables.
In addition to these detox drinks, make sure to eat lots of veggies, fruits and whole grain foods that fill you up and give you the best chance for quickly losing weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beth_Winter/663024